Here Comes the Judge

Apparently Carter is running for judge…..and no one told him!  I’ve seen the signs around for a couple  of weeks, but Carter just noticed them earlier this week.  He saw his name on the sign and wanted to know what the rest of the words said.  He’s pretty upset about the whole thing.  He doesn’t really want to be a judge, and is pretty sure someone is tricking him.  But he had fun getting his picture taken in front of the sign today.

Don't believe what you read, Carter is NOT running for judge.

He’d also like people to know that he’s never taken a test, he’s not very tough (unless he’s fighting with his brother), and since most days he comes home from school with his pants unsnapped….he’s not very conservative!

So on April 5th, please DO NOT vote for Carter for Judge.  He’s only 4 1/2 and he doesn’t have time to be a judge.  He has school in the mornings, he likes to watch a couple cartoons during the afternoon, then around 3pm he likes to fight with his brother for a bit, and has to be home by 5pm for dinner.  It just won’t fit into his busy schedule.

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April Fools

I’m not exactly sure who the heck told Carter that it was April Fools….but when I find them, they are going to pay!  LOL  I know that it wasn’t me, because I was gone long before Carter woke up this morning.  I know it wasn’t my husband, because he was too busy getting two kids up, fed, dressed, and on the bus/to the neighbors by 8am.  So that means that someone at school told him about it.

Now Carter hasn’t pulled any major pranks or jokes on us.  He hasn’t smeared his brother in ketchup and told him to lay on the bottom of the stairs (although he’ll probably do that in a few years).  He hasn’t put sugar in the salt shakers.  No whoopie cushions on my chair, didn’t take the air out of our tires, and hasn’t called yet to ask us if the refrigerator is running.  He hasn’t done any of those things.  Why???….because he is 4 and doesn’t quite understand April Fools Day yet.

The “jokes” that Carter pulls are far more ANNOYING and not really funny.

“Mom, I have homework tonight….April Fools.”

“Mom, I have a present for you…..April Fools.”

“Dad, you have a spider on your head….April Fools.”

“Mom, I have homework tonight….April Fools.”  (I know what you’re thinking, I said that already….I KNOW!  But I’ve had to hear it several times, so I thought you could read it twice.)

“Dad, you have a bug on your head…..April Fools.”  (Very similar to the spider, but a little different.)

“Mom, you have purple on your hair…..April Fools.”

“Mom, you have soccer balls on your face….April Fools.”

These are just some examples of the many April Fools “jokes” that have been played on me and my husband today.  And the day is not over yet.  Bedtime isn’t for another 10 minutes.  🙂

I think before bed I’m going to tell Carter we are getting him a puppy…..APRIL FOOLS!  Now that’s FUNNY!  🙂

Posted in April Fools, Carter aka Buddy Alligator, Cooper AKA Chunky Monkey, Parenting challenges, School | Tagged | 3 Comments

The World According to Carter

Earlier this week I was outside waiting for the bus with Carter.  I normally don’t wait for the bus in the morning for three important reasons.  First, there are days when I’m still sleeping when the bus arrives.  Second, if I am awake, there is a very good chance that I am still in my pajamas (and I know there are some moms out there that have no problem waiting outside in their pajamas with their hair all over the place.  I’m not one of them.  This is Carter’s first year in school….I still want to look good.  I’m sure by the time that Cooper’s in 4K I’ll be out there in my bathrobe and slippers).  And finally, I have to wait for the bus to get home every day, and I watch for it from about 11:30-11:50, so the way I see it, Tim can wait outside in the morning for the bus.

But for whatever reason, on Tuesday I was outside waiting for the bus.  Carter was getting a little bored and was picking some stuff off of one of our trees (which drives me nuts!), and I asked him to stop.  When he asked why I responded, “Well Carter, trees are alive just like fruits and vegetables are alive before we pick them, and when you pull things off of the tree it hurts the tree.”

Carter didn’t believe a word.  “MOOOOM, trees and plants aren’t ALIVE!!  Cars and rocks are alive.”  I tried explaining to Carter that rocks are not alive.  They don’t move, eat, breath….they aren’t alive.

“Mom, rocks are alive, come and see.”  Carter took me over to our front walk and showed me a rock.

"See Mom, this rock is has a face!"

And let me tell you, there is NO WAY you can win an argument with a 4 year old over a rock being alive/not alive when the rock has a face!

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Puke Fest 2011

This morning at 2:36am, I was awakened to the sounds of Carter saying, “Oh no, no no.  Oh NOOOOO.  Mommy, puke bucket!”  I woke up Tim, ran into Carter’s room with the first thing that I could find that was big enough to puke in, while Dad tried to find the puke bucket.  I was hoping that since I didn’t hear any actual puking, that maybe, just maybe Carter hadn’t thrown up yet.  I was wrong, so very very very wrong!  His shirt was covered in puke, as was his pillowcase (and his pillow), his sheets, quilt, and mattress pad….not to mention that the puke has seeped through to the mattress.  EWWWW!

So while Tim took Carter into the bathroom to continue puking in the puke bucket (because Carter will not throw up in an actual toilet), I had the fun job of getting all of the sheets off the bed, and started the first of THREE loads of laundry (one for the sheets and clothes, one for the quilt, and one for the mattress pad).  Fun times!

We then got Carter settled on his little pull-out couch on the floor of our room with a couple blankets on top of the couch (just in case!), his bucket, and some paper towels.  We had just shut the lights off and climbed into bed when he started puking again….luckily into the bucket!

I’m just very grateful that he decided to puke in his bed and not on me, because let me tell you, I am ALWAYS the one that gets puked on.  If one of the boys is going to throw up on someone, it’s NEVER Dad!  It’s always always always ME!  And they never throw up after we put a lot of blankets down….oh no.  Once we’re set up and ready for the puke, they throw up in a bucket.  But when we’re not ready, it’s in a bed or on the couch, which is why I’m probably always puked on.  If I’m holding them on the couch and they start puking I use myself as a shield.  I’d rather have puke on me than on my off-white couch (I’m insane, why the hell I thought getting an off-white couch would be a good idea when I knew I wanted kids is BEYOND me.  Apparently I had no idea how many times my kids would spit up, throw up, or just spill crap on my couch.)


Carter at 1 month, probably the first time he actually threw up on me. This is also the only picture I have of either boys with puke on them. Apparently after the first couple times, it's not cute or picture worthy any more.

Throwing up over night is an automatic NO SCHOOL for Carter.  But when he woke up this morning, he was feeling just fine.  Ironic how he woke up minutes after the bus came.  🙂  He must have ate something last night that didn’t agree with him.  I’m just glad that he is feeling better.

Posted in Carter aka Buddy Alligator, Parenting challenges, Sick Kids | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The Class Pet

I have found the secret to having a well-behaved child.  They just need to bring the class pet home from school.  🙂  Carter had the honor of being the first in his class to bring Clifford home for the evening.  He came in a little case with a book to read, a journal to write in, and a special snack (M&M’s) to share.

Carter had to take Clifford out of his backpack as soon as he came home from school.  Clifford ate lunch with us, and then Carter and Clifford played in his room ALL AFTERNOON!  By themselves, NO MOMMIES ALLOWED!  And let me tell you, I love both of my children, but there are days when I just DO NOT want to play trains, or legos, or another game of Memory!


Carter enjoyed playing in his room with Clifford and ALL his stuffed animals.


But the BEST part of taking the class pet home was that Carter actually wanted to go to bed early!  That’s right folks, Carter actually asked us if he could go to bed with Clifford.  We didn’t have to ask, threaten, or carry him to bed.  He didn’t try to sneak out of bed and come in the living room.  He didn’t even ask if he could sleep in our room.  He and Clifford went to bed at 7pm.  It was glorious!

All I have to say is that all the 4K parents should bring an animal to school so that the kids can bring a class pet home EVERY NIGHT!  🙂


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