It’s Truly Amazing

I was watching the news this evening, and the Feds have changed their guidelines regarding car seats.  Apparently they now recommend that children be in a rear-facing car seat until they are two years old.   Cooper out grew his baby carrier car seat by four months, and by the time he was one, he weighed 30 pounds.  His car seat could only be rear facing until the child is 30 pounds.  They suggest that if a 1-year-old outweighs the recommendation of an infant seat that you should switch to a different rear-facing car seat that will accommodate the heavier weight.   But Cooper had a top of the line car seat, and it only went up to 30 pounds when rear facing.

They also recommend that children sit in booster seat until they are 4 feet 9 inches.  Now I know some adults that aren’t even 4′ 9″, are they suppose to use a booster seat?

And they recommend that children be seated in the back seat of the car until the age of thirteen.  Thirteen, really?  That’s three years before they start driving.  Pretty soon they are going to bump the age up to 16 and kids are going to have to get a steering wheel and gas/break petal extensions so they can drive from the back seat.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that having your child in a proper car seat or booster seat is VERY important, and Carter and Cooper will be in the back seat until they are 13 (but by that time the age will probably be raised to 30…I think I’m going to stop driving and start sitting in the back seat just in case!)  But I can remember fighting with my younger siblings to sit in the front seat of the car (I’m the oldest and they are two and four years younger than me), and I don’t remember any of us sitting in booster seats.  Did they even make booster seats 25 years ago?

And then I start to think of all the other things that experts have recommended and that have changed over the years.  Babies used to sleep on their stomachs and that’s a BIG no-no now.  Remember the little baby seats that had wheels on them?  Babies could sit in them and then wheel themselves right down a flight of stairs…..I don’t even think they make those anymore.  And the sleep position pillows they used to sell, experts now tell us that they can suffocate babies (I could have told you that!)

All the changes and new recommendations….it’s truly amazing that we’re all still alive!  🙂

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Silly Things About Me

Last night I was weighing myself (not going to tell you what the scale said, but I’m pretty sure it was lying!) and I actually caught myself sucking my stomach in because obviously that would make me weigh less.  🙂

When I pull into the garage and think to myself,  “I don’t think the garage door is open all the way yet”, I’ll duck because obviously that will make the van shorter.

If I’m driving and a bird flying in front of the car (or most recently a tie down strap came flying off a semi and hit our windshield) I close my eyes for a split second because obviously that will make the object just disappear.

And this is perhaps my husband’s (and before him, my dad’s) favorite thing, if I’m driving and I hear the car making a funny noise, I just turn the radio up, because obviously that will fix what ever is wrong.


Posted in I Laughed Until I Peed And Then I Cried, Vehicles, Weight Loss | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The Parish Potty Parade

My husband recently watched a show about Vince Lombardi on television.  I normally could care less about anything doing with football, but as a former history major I found the program pretty interesting.  I learned that Lombardi was early for everything, and expected his players to do the same.  In fact, some of his players even referred to him as being on “Lombardi Time.”  If they weren’t fifteen minutes early, they might as well have been late.

So now I know that I’m on “Lombardi Time”, sometimes I’m even on double “Lombardi Time”.  I always strive to be early for everything, and even with two kids in the house I am very rarely late.  I think there was an incident involving Carter and some poop that made me late once.  🙂

This morning Carter had Sunday school at 10am.  We left the house about twenty minutes early, and by the time we got into church it was about 9:50.  I walked Carter into class and then went to find a place to sit in church.  I was shocked that with ten minutes until the start of Mass, there were only about 40 people sitting down.  I know that I shouldn’t have been surprised, every Sunday the place fills up with minutes to spare, but today it seemed like maybe not as many people were going to show up.

I was wrong.  People started pouring in with about five minutes to spare, and after the bells started ringing even more people came in.  In fact, we had to start Mass five minutes late because people kept coming in (I think there were probably 500-600 people, if not more today).  And a few people came in ten, fifteen, and even twenty minutes late.  Now I don’t mean to offend anyone, but really???  Twenty minutes late to CHURCH?  I think that no matter where you live in Pewaukee, you could probably get from one end of town to the other in about twenty minutes, so that means some people left their houses a few minutes before, or even after church was scheduled to start.  It drives me NUTS!

And then, throughout the ENTIRE Mass people are walking back and forth to the bathrooms.  Now I remember going to church when I was little, and I can’t even remember leaving my seat to go to the bathroom.  You go to the bathroom before you leave the house.  And it’s not just little kids.  I can maybe understand if your three-year old has a “potty emergency”, but when you’re in middle school I think you should be able to hold it.  It’s like this EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY!  It’s not just a few people, we have a parade back and forth down the side aisles every week.

So I have to say that I can’t remember a single thing that was said in either of the two readings, or anything that the priest said.   I was too busy looking at my watch seeing how many minutes late people were (the last person walked in at 10:22), and watching people walk back and forth to the bathroom for an entire hour.

At least Carter learned something in Sunday school.  🙂



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Queso anyone?

Ever wonder what happens when you leave your kid alone with nachos and a bowl of queso dip?


"Hey Mom, look at me!"

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Last January a co-worker of mine asked if we’d be interested in a “free” hamster. Her daughter had gotten a couple hamsters for Christmas and a couple weeks later they had a batch of babies. After discussing it with my husband, we decided that it would be nice for our 3 1/2 year old to get a hamster. (It’s not a good idea…..really really not a good idea.)

We took Carter to the pet store to pick up supplies for our “free” hamster. The nice lady at the pet store highly recommended a wire cage (NOT a good idea), we picked up what we’ve now learned is about a lifetime supply of food for about four hamsters. Carter picked out a nice little igloo looking house for him, we picked up a couple food dishes and a water bottle, and a few packages of bedding. A $100 later, we had all the supplies for our “free” hamster and were ready to pick him up.

Tim and Carter went to pick out his new hamster. Carter picked out a really cute light grey hamster. And he even got to name him…..Noey. I’m not sure where he came up with that name, but it fits. We’re not really sure if Noey is a boy or a girl, but I kinda think he’s a boy. I have a hubby, two sons, and a boy cat….so chances are pretty good that my son picked out a boy hamster.

At first we were going to keep the hamster in Carter’s room, but within a couple hours of having him, the cat knocked the cage over in an attempt to eat the hamster. So now Noey lives downstairs. Mr. Stan goes down there occasionally, but hasn’t tried to push the cage off the counter. He’ll often times sits next to the cage to stare at his lunch….I mean Noey….but hasn’t tried to eat him again.

Things were going pretty good with Noey, Tim usually remembers to feed him, Carter will remember that he has a hamster every few days and will ask to play with him, and I’ll remind Tim a few times a month to go and clean the cage (even though I said that I would do it during our discussion about getting the hamster). Things were going pretty good…..until December.

I was working late one night and I got a call from Tim. The boys had gone to bed and he was changing Noey’s cage and his back leg was INCREDIBLY swollen. I’m not really sure what Tim expected me to do from work (I love when he calls for things like this), but he called none the less. Since it was around 10pm when he called, and the vet was closed, and I very well wasn’t going to have him take the hamster to the emergency pet hospital in the middle of the night with two little kids….I told him to Google it.

When I got home I went down to check on him, and it was obviously that he had done something to his leg. After looking online, I came to the conclusion that he had probably broken it. Not knowing exactly what I should do to help, I ended up taking Noey to the vet the next day. It turns out that he did break his leg. Remember that lovely wire cage that the pet store worker highly recommended….turns out it’s not so highly recommended by vets. The doctor told us that a hamster’s leg can get caught in the cage when they are climbing and when the fall they break their legs. He sees several cases of this every year (which made me feel a little better….at least I wasn’t the only idiot bringing a hamster to the vet, a “free” hamster none the less!)

The doctor gave us a prescription for antibiodics to give to the hamster. He told us that if the leg didn’t get better we may have to put him down and not to be surprised if Noey gnawed his leg off if it didn’t get better. So after paying for the vet visit and the medicine we took our “free” hamster home. (I don’t remember exactly how much this visit to the vet cost, but I know that I could have purchased Carter at least two new hamsters with four good legs).

So we brought Noey home and I tried to give that stupid hamster his medicine for about two days. He needed to take .01 ml of medicine, which is about a half of a drop of medicine (if that) and it’s incredibly difficult to give a hamster medication. You need to hold them on their backs rather tightly while using your other hand to make them smile, and then need another person to give them the medicine, and in Noey’s case also being very careful not to further injure his leg. I think he may have gotten about a dose of his medicine during my four attempts and I gave up.

Every morning I went downstairs expecting poor little Noey to be dead. And I was fully prepared to make an emergency run to every pet store in the Milwaukee area until I found a replacement light grey hamster if needed. I couldn’t let Carter know if his hamster died, it was a couple weeks before Christmas and little Noey had a Christmas present from Carter underneath the tree.

Well Noey didn’t die…..he just gnawed off his injured leg, which I have to say FREAKS ME OUT!!! It doesn’t so much freak me out that he only has 3 legs. But the fact that he gnawed it off, and possible ate it since Tim never found it….grosses me out.

And that’s the story of how Noey the hamster lost a leg.

And if anyone asks you if you’d like a “free” hamster….just say no. There is no such thing as a “free” hamster! 🙂

Posted in Carter aka Buddy Alligator, Noey, Tim, Vet | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment