Last night I was trying to get some laundry folded in my bedroom and Tim was in the kitchen getting the dishes cleaned up from dinner. The boys were sitting in the living room watching cartoons. Since Cooper wasn’t feeling the best, they were actually sitting quite nicely, no fighting, arguing, hitting, or yelling. It was great!
Tim had put on Sprout for the boys, which we don’t normally watch during the day. Our usual stations are Disney Junior and Nick Jr. We do watch Sesame Street, but other than that we normally don’t PBS or Sprout. And when I heard the theme song from Caillou I remembered why we don’t watch it that often.
As a stay-at-home mom, I have to put up with watching or hearing cartoons almost EVERY day! I know there are some moms out there that don’t let their kids watch television, I’m not one of those moms! My kids don’t watch a lot of television, but they do watch a few cartoons every day. They do watch more during the winter (since we live in Wisconsin and it’s too cold to play outside!). In the summer we’re outside going for walks, at tee ball, or at the Milwaukee County Zoo, so they watch a lot less.
I have to say that I have some shows that I like more than others. My favorites would be:
Jack’s Big Music Show
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Jake and the Neverland Pirates
Sesame Street
The Wonder Pets
Then there are the cartoons that I let the kids watch, but I really don’t care for:
Yo Gabba Gabba (I think this show is really creepy, and I just don’t get it! Not to mention the fact that one of the characters looks like a big giant dildo!)
Ni Hao Kai-Lan (I swear they sing the SAME songs EVERY show!)
Max and Ruby (Where are the parents??? They leave those bunnies home by themselves every episode.)
Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go (Seriously, if I have to listen to “Click, take a pic” or “Backpack, Backpack” one more time!!!!!)
Dino Dan (This is probably Carter’s FAVORITE show, and he has learned a lot about dinosaurs. But if I was Dan’s mom, I’d have him committed. There is having a great imagination, and then there’s Dan. And why hasn’t a T Rex tried to eat him yet?)
And then there is Calliou. As soon as I heard it on the television last night, I immediately changed the station. I know that many people probably love the show, I can not stand it. I don’t exactly know why, but Calliou drives me NUTS! He is banned in our house!
I can stand watching the same shows day after day (and let me tell you after a summer of watching the same 10 episodes of Phineas and Ferb on the Disney Channel, which they had on for a couple hours EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING ALL SUMMER I can tolerate a LOT), but I have to draw the line somewhere. Calliou has crossed that line!