At the beginning of the school year, the PTO at Carter’s school had a fundraiser. We sold enough items to win a 1-night stay at Chula Vista. This is a hotel in Wisconsin Dells that also has an indoor waterpark. We had made reservations months ago to stay there this weekend.
Tim and I have not had very good luck staying at Chula Vista. And let me start by saying that this is not Chula Vista’s fault, the hotel is lovely and the staff is very friendly. We first stayed there on our wedding night. We actually had our reception there, and then our gift opening in the morning. Let’s just say that I did not have much to eat all day, didn’t eat much at the reception, and then had certain members from my bridal party bringing me drink after drink…..and it didn’t end well. I didn’t throw up, but I was pretty drunk by the end of the night. Tim and the best man had to help me to our room.
Our second stay at Chula Vista was a few years later, when Carter was 1 1/2 years old. He had not been feeling well the day before. He had been throwing up and we actually took him to Urgent Care. But the next day he was back to his normal self, and we figured we were good to go. We were meeting my family there for a Christmas Party, and ate at a very nice steakhouse. Then in the middle of the night I started throwing up. A couple hours later Tim got sick. We apparently caught whatever Carter had the previous day. We packed our bags first thing in the morning, and drove 1 1/2 hours home (THE LONGEST CAR RIDE OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!) I threw up so many times that day, I almost had to go to the hospital for dehydration.
We left our house on Friday for our most recent Chula Vista stay. We planned on staying with my brother and his wife, who live about 30 minutes from the Dells, on Friday night so we could get to Chula Vista by noon to use the waterpark. Late Friday night Cooper came down with a fever. Luckily he was feeling better by the time we got to the hotel on Saturday and Carter didn’t come down with it.
This is what happened to Carter
I’m not exactly sure what happened. He came down one of the kid’s slides and told me that his toe hurt. He must have hit it just right at the bottom of the slide, and his toenail folded over. Luckily we were a few feet away from the First Aid station. They put a couple band aids on it, and he went back in the water. When we got home today, I was the one that got to take the band aids off and clip the toe nail. He’ll have band aids on for a couple weeks, until his toenail grows out a bit.
Carter was such a little trooper. He didn’t cry at all. And when the man at the First Aid station asked how it happened, Carter replied “I hurt my toe on the slide, I wasn’t running.”